Hope Church exists to connect people to live the life of a Jesus follower. And God has given us an incredible staff team of leaders who desire to accomplish that mission together. This is more than simply a job, it is an opportunity to step into the stream of God’s activity in Las Vegas, the West, and the World.
We are currently looking for Jesus followers to join our staff team and be a part of what the Lord is doing in and through Hope Church. If you feel led to pursue a staff position at Hope Church, please review the openings listed below and fill out the online application.
Worship Arts Coordinator
Congregation: Hope Church Boulder City
Job Type: Part-Time
Position Summary:
The Worship Arts Coordinator is primarily responsible to develop and lead the Boulder City Worship Arts team to provide God honoring, Spirit-filled, and engaging worship events for the Hope Church Boulder City family
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Must have a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ
- Exhibits a servant’s heart with a teachable spirit
- Places a high level of importance on personal discipleship
- Must be able to articulate and display a clear call to ministry
- Must be able to laugh, have fun, and be creative and flexible
- Exercises Biblical character
- Love for the church
- Ability to recruit volunteers who are growing and teachable
- Attend regular staff meetings
- Attend Monthly Second Monday Staff Meeting at LV
- Provide monthly credit card detail and receipt files and monthly budget request forms as required to record all expenses
- Meet weekly with the Staff Team to ensure consistency in all of the ministries in Boulder City
- Meet weekly with the Hope BC Pastor
- Participate in training opportunities and continuing education for ongoing development as the Worship Arts Coordinator
- Attend monthly Hope Church BC Advisory Team meetings
- Work in coordination with Hope BC Pastor, Staff, and Advisory Team to lead and manage the overall direction of the church
- Perform other responsibilities as assigned by the supervisor
Worship Arts
- Prompt and timely communication with Worship Arts team members
- Create worship events at the highest level of excellence possible in our context by making full use of all God has provided (musicians/ vocalists/ facilities/ equipment/ finances)
- Coordinate & conduct weekly rehearsals (Currently Saturday mornings at 9 am)
- Coordinate & conduct Sunday Morning sound check/ run through (7:30 am)
- Ensure stage is set up before all worship environments
- Schedule all team members (vocalists, instrumentalists, AV, production) participation well in advance
- Plan and finalize the Hope Church BC Sunday worship experience
- Including but not limited to:
- Production team members
- Worship team members
- Song selection
- Stage setup
- Production set up
- Audition prospective musicians/vocalists and identify new potential worship leaders
- Develop new and current band and vocal team members
- Develop worship song list with clear parameters and criteria
- Oversee, create & produce media for the church online experience
- Including but not limited to:
- Social media
- Posting messages online
- Updating website
Skills Required:
A Worship Leader/director is responsible for organizing and guiding a congregation in religious worship. They often have a deep understanding of music, specifically worship music, its theological background, and are skilled in leading people into a biblical encounter with God through song. Specific skills include:
- Congregational Worship: The Worship Leaders primary focus is to guide the congregation in giving honor and reverence to who God is and what He has done in song form.
- Leader: In this context the Worship Leader must guide their team and congregation in a biblical form of worship, preparing hearts to receive what God is saying through His Word and the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
- Leadership Skills: A Worship Leader must have the ability to motivate and inspire your team. You will need leadership skills when planning a service, leading meetings, and making decisions about the direction of the ministry. Strong leadership also allows you to delegate tasks effectively so that everyone on your team has an opportunity to grow in their role.
- Communication: As a Worship Leader, you will need to communicate with musicians and other staff members about scheduling, set lists, song lyrics, or other ministry needs. You will also need to be able to explain your vision for the service to the congregation so they can understand what to expect. Communication skills are especially important when working with volunteers as it ensures everyone understands their responsibilities and duties. This helps ensure that all aspects of the service run smoothly.
- Creativity: A Worship Leader uses creativity when planning their services, such as by creating unique ways for congregants to engage with each other, or by coming up with creative ways to incorporate music into a service. Creativity can also be useful in devising original worship songs or worship covers that are meaningful to your audience.
- Arranging: This skill is useful for Worship Leaders who write their own songs, as they may need to know how to arrange them into full pieces. Arranging also includes knowing how to use musical instruments and other equipment to make music. For example, if you are you’re leading a band, you may need to know how to direct your musicians in creating original sound. In addition, this assist with a Worship Leader creating their own cover of a standard worship selection.
- Vocal Technique: This is the ability to use your voice effectively. This includes knowing how to breathe, project sound, and control pitch. Vocal technique allows the Worship Leader to communicate clearly with their congregation during a service. It also ensures that they can maintain their voice throughout the duration of a service or event.
- Music Theory: It’s important for the Worship Leader to have a basic understanding of musical theory so they can create their own songs or lead others in song. This skill allows them to understand what musicians are trying to convey when they explain their work. Worship leaders who have strong musical theory skills can help other members of their team improve their abilities as well.
- Organization: As a Worship Leader, you will have many duties that require organization, such as preparing service, leading rehearsals, managing song lists and ensuring all equipment is in working order. Being organized can help you manage your time effectively and complete necessary tasks on time. It also allows you to be prepared for any situation that might arise during a service or rehearsal.
- Technical Abilities: A Worship Leader will need to have or develop a working understanding of different worship and production tools and programs. These include things like ProPresenter, Planning Center, various Adobe products, and more. This programs are vital part of our production and scheduling of Sunday morning services.
- Flexibility: As a Worship Leader, you will need to be flexible as services and events can change at any time. For example, if an event runs over its allotted time, you might need to adjust your plan for the service so that it ends on time. You also might need flexibility when planning music or other aspects of the service. If one song isn’t working well with the rest of the service, you might need to be able to switch songs without disrupting the flow of the service.
- Passion: This is the fuel that drives your desire to lead a worship team. Passionate leaders are excited about their work and can inspire others with their energy. A passionate leader has a strong connection with their faith in Jesus Christ which allows them to connect with their audience through song.
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