“And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.” – Psalm 9:10
Apple. Nike. Coca-Cola. BMW. Levi. These are popular brands millions of people trust purely because of the name; brand names that have created products that have proven to be durable and reliable over the years. You may even know someone who will purchase something from a company, not because they need it or even like it, but just because it was made by that company and has a certain name. We have put our trust in all these things to satisfy whatever need we have that matches the product. We put our trust in the name behind the product. Can you see how all of that does not come close in comparison to the mighty name of Jesus? We serve a God who will never leave us nor forsake us; who will reveal Himself when we seek Him out; who will draw near to us when we draw near to Him. Just the name of Jesus should evoke a trust that cannot be explained with words!
Often we put our trust in other things or people rather than the one who is truly trustworthy. Can you think of someone or something that you trust more than you trust the name of Jesus? Place your trust afresh in Jesus.