The story of Hope Church is a story of life change. God’s invitation to a few families to share in His mission has resulted in tens of thousands of lives being changed in Las Vegas, the West, and the World.
When God called a group of families together in 2001 to join in His activity in Las Vegas through the planting of a new church, they had no idea the incredible journey that was ahead of them.
What began as three founding pastors and their families being sent by the First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Georgia, soon became 18 people in a living room. As that small group of people began to pray and engage the city, Jesus followers began to multiply, and Hope Church was born on September 30, 2001.
From the beginning, we understood the local church is not the finish line; it’s the starting line. Psalm 67:7 says,
“God blesses us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him.”
PSALM 67:7
Hope Church is a gathering place to teach about kingdom living and a launching pad for the expansion of God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth.
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