Our Prerequisite to Preach

Our Prerequisite to Preach

God Time Devotional | October 11, 2024

"And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out to preach." Mark 3:14

Mark 3:14
“And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out to preach.” – Mark 3:14

Before you travel anywhere internationally, you must get a passport. The passport is the universal passage into every other country. Without a passport, we don’t have access to travel internationally. One of the first items on the to-do list for mission teams is to get their passports taken care of. The reality is, no other preparation for our trips make a difference if we miss the passport. The same is true in our relationships with Jesus. This passage says that Jesus appointed twelve so that they would be with Him, and THEN He would send them out to share. The prerequisite for our preaching is our personal relationship with Jesus. Like a passport, all the strategies and skills of evangelism don’t matter if we don’t speak out of the overflow of a love relationship with Christ!

How has your God Time – time spent daily alone in fellowship with God – been lately? Do you understand the relationship between our love relationship with God and our effectiveness in sharing in the mission?

Our Prerequisite to Preach
God Time Question(s):

How has your God Time - time spent daily alone in fellowship with God - been lately? Do you understand the relationship between our love relationship with God and our effectiveness in sharing in the mission?

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