Stewardship Snapshot


At Hope Church, we say that when you give, you’re not giving to a church but through a church to invest in what God is doing in Las Vegas, the West, and the world. If you give financially through Hope, thank you! Your investment is making an eternal impact and we are grateful for your obedience and trust in the Lord to provide. 

This page exists as a way for those who financially give through Hope to follow the annual giving compared to our annual budget. We provide this tool as a way for our church to see and pray for God’s continued provision for our church and what He is doing through our fellowship!

Through the highs and lows, for over 22 years, we have understood that everything we have comes from the Lord, He gives to His people to invest through the church for His mission!

TITHES & OFFERING | Week Ending 06/23/2024
  This Week YTD Totals
Tithe & Offering $104,246 $3,240,838
Budget Needs $135,654 $3,391,350
Over / (Under) ($31,408) ($150,512)

Weekly Attendance – 4,145*
* Includes all congregations of Hope Church. 

If you have any questions regarding our annual budget or the information above, please email [email protected].