“Now Joseph, a Levite of Cyprian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles (which translated means Son of Encouragement),” – Acts 4:36
If you wanted the ultimate example of a faithful friend, Barnabas would be your best bet. The church knew him not only as an encourager, but also as a giver, supporter, and brother. He sold an entire field to provide for the church (Acts 4:47), stood by Paul’s side and testified of the genuineness of his conversion (Acts 9:27), sought out Paul, whom he was to take with him on a yearlong outreach to the Gentiles (Acts 11:25-26), and stood up for John Mark when Paul didn’t want to take him on a mission trip (Acts 15:36-39). The point is: Barnabas saw the need for “each other” within the body of Christ. Whether it was encouragement, material needs, or Gospel opportunities – Barnabas was always there and ready to make a difference.
How can you be more like Barnabas towards your brothers and sisters in Christ?