Eternal Treasure

Eternal Treasure

God Time Devotional | January 25, 2025

"for where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Luke 12:34

Luke 12:34
“for where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:34

This is an amazing verse of Scripture. Read it again slowly. Notice the words and meditate on them as you reread them over and over and over: “For where your treasure IS there your heart WILL BE also.” “Is” is a present tense verb. It means “now” or “currently.” “Will be” is a future tense verb. This means “in the time to come” or “in the future.” Wherever you choose to place your money, your energy, and your time will be the place your heart will go. In other words, when you place your treasure in pleasure on earth, that is where you’ll find your heart sooner or later. We cannot invest in something and not care about its health or well-being. And conversely, we will not be concerned with things we have not placed time and energy on or in. Ask God to be wise with the treasure He has provided for you. Ask Him for the desire to “send it on ahead” instead of placing where it will never last.

Are you investing your time, talent, and treasure in that which is eternal for the sake of mission?

Eternal Treasure
God Time Question(s):

Are you investing your time, talent, and treasure in that which is eternal for the sake of mission?

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