Generous Living

Generous Living

God Time Devotional | January 24, 2025

"provide yourselves with money bags that do not grow old; with a treasure in heaven that does not fail" - Luke 12:33

Luke 12:33
“provide yourselves with money bags that do not grow old; with a treasure in heaven that does not fail” – Luke 12:33

Generous living was a life theme for Jesus. He gave of Himself in so many ways. He also, though, saw many in Israel at the time who were investing wrongly. They would speak of giving to God of their possessions, but what they were actually doing was spending only on themselves or on things on earth that would not last. Jesus encouraged His followers to give forward to the Kingdom to come. In other words, He was saying “invest in that which is eternal instead of that which is temporary.” Feed the homeless, give to church planting, adopt the orphan, invest in the Kingdom activity around you. In these money bags, there will never be rot. These are the money bags from heaven. This investment is in the Kingdom of God and not the kingdom of earth or of mankind. Thank Him for providing for you and ask Him what He wants you to do with what He has blessed you with.

Where do you invest? In the Kingdom of God or in the things of this earth? Do you invest in the Kingdom at all?

Generous Living
God Time Question(s):

Where do you invest? In the Kingdom of God or in the things of this earth? Do you invest in the Kingdom at all?

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