“No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” – Luke 16:1-13
Money often takes the place of God in people’s lives. Jesus explained that no one can serve two masters. From a spiritual standpoint, all people will serve someone or something. Here, Jesus spoke of two choices–God and money. People can choose to serve money—in essence, this means serving themselves and all the pleasure and power money can buy—or they can choose to serve God. But no one can do both, for the two choices are diametrically opposed. When money is one’s master, there can be no room for God Who requires single-hearted obedience and devotion. When God is one’s Master, money is seen as a resource to be stewarded. For Christians, our money should always be used as a means of service, never the ultimate goal.
How are you managing the resources He’s entrusted to you to expand His Kingdom locally and globally?