His Kingdom, Our Home

His Kingdom, Our Home

God Time Devotional | January 26, 2025

“For my kingdom is not of this world…” – John 18:36

Jesus minced no words in this statement to Pilate as He stood to be condemned to death. Jesus knew where His citizenship lay. As children of God, we seldom remember that our citizenship too is where Jesus is: heaven. This planet is not suitable any longer for the follower of Jesus. It hasn’t been suitable actually since the Fall of man. We were not created to suffer and toil in agony. We were not created to hate and kill. We were not created to sin or be sinned against. God created us to be in relationship with Him. We were made to love God and be loved by Him and not to be enemies of Him. Jesus knew it clearly from the beginning. We have difficulty processing the fact that this is not our home. God has something better. His Kingdom is the Kingdom of God where there is peace, love, joy, kindness, gentleness, and the like. This world was not Jesus’ home and neither is it the child of God’s home. Thank God that He paid the price that needed to be paid and that now His Kingdom is our Kingdom too.

How are you regularly inviting others into the Kingdom of God?

His Kingdom, Our Home
God Time Question(s):

How are you regularly inviting others into the Kingdom of God?

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