Opposition for the Right Thing

Opposition for the Right Thing

God Time Devotional | November 05, 2024

"but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name." 1 Peter 4:16

1 Peter 4:16
“but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name.” – 1 Peter 4:16

Opposition comes in many shapes and sizes, differing in intensity and scope.  This may look like someone not speaking to you because of your faith in Christ.  For some other brothers and sisters around the world, it means severe torture and sometimes death.  Whatever the level of persecution you may be experiencing in your life, make sure it’s for the right thing:  your faith not your foolishness.  Peter writes, “But if anyone suffers, as a Christian.”  It’s not persecution if it comes from your foolishness.  This causes us to examine our lives as believers and ask the question, “Is the opposition I’m facing because of my intentionality with the Gospel or because of the insensitivity of my flesh?”

Is the opposition you are currently facing because of your faith or foolishness?

Opposition for the Right Thing
God Time Question(s):

Is the opposition you are currently facing because of your faith or foolishness?

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