“For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations.” – Malachi 1:11
Our God is a missional God. He always seeks to expand His Kingdom to peoples and places it has never been before. This is not only a New Testament principle, but it is also the scarlet thread throughout the entire Bible. Amazingly, what Malachi described thousands of years ago about God’s passion to make His name great among the nations is still true today. The nations of the earth are being transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thousands of people every day are being saved by Jesus in China. The Gospel is running rapidly through the nation of Iran like never before. What is that? It is God holding true to His Old Testament promise to make His name great among the peoples of the world.
What is your response to the global mission of God? How are you engaging different cultures with the Gospel?