“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32
How often have you heard someone say something like this: “Unless they do (fill in the blank), I will not forgive them”? Maybe you said that yourself at some point. What is that? That is the aroma performance-based forgiveness and it reeks of pride. Those who think that way are basically saying that their ability to forgive rests up the capability of the other to do what they want. Unless the wrongdoer earns the right to be forgiven, no forgiveness will be granted. Performance-based forgiveness is not God’s design. For God has forgiven us in Christ when we did not deserve to be forgiven because we were His enemies (Romans 5:8). Let go of whatever you are hanging onto and extend forgiveness.
Do you wait to forgive someone until they have earned your forgiveness?