The Mission

The Mission

God Time Devotional | February 22, 2025

“So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” – John 20:21

John 20:21
“So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” – John 20:21 

There is a word that has been historically used in the local church that is unhelpful. It is the word missions. Plural. The funny thing is that the New Testament never talks about missions, but it does talk about the mission. Singular. Here, Jesus commissions His disciples, not to missions, but to accomplish the mission. He sends them out to take the Gospel to different people from different places. So, what’s the mission you ask? Simply put, it is to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). That’s it. Nothing more or nothing less. That means that the entire church, each and every person who has been saved by Jesus, has been given this missionary mandate, including you. This is accomplished as we use our job, skill, or passion and see the relationships within those spheres of influence impacted for the glory of God.

What is your next step to live out this missionary mandate in your life? Is it talking to that person who you know needs Jesus? Is it serving cross-culturally on a short-term mission team?

The Mission
God Time Question(s):

What is your next step to live out this missionary mandate in your life? Is it talking to that person who you know needs Jesus? Is it serving cross-culturally on a short-term mission team?

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