“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. ” Acts 1:8
A witness simply tells the story of what he or she has experienced. Jesus says His followers are also His witnesses.
We are to tell everyone we know about His life, death and resurrection, and how those things became personal to us. We tell everyone we know about this overwhelming life we have in Jesus. We tell everyone we know about His amazing acts of love through His Church. We tell everyone we know that Jesus is going to return. There are many different methods of sharing our faith, but we must not stray from the most important — simply telling others about Christ, and how His story transformed our story. Some may defend their belief systems and theology, but none can argue with your personal story of how Jesus changed you.
Take a few moments now and write out the story of when you gave control of your life over to Jesus. Who in your life is God putting on your mind right now that needs to hear that story?