There Will Be Trouble

There Will Be Trouble

God Time Devotional | October 15, 2024

"But all these things they will do to you for my name's sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me." - John 15:18-25

John 15:18-25
“But all these things they will do to you for my name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.” – John 15:18-25

Imagine being hated just because of your name. Because of our sinful nature, we are inclined to dislike. Often times, someone can simply mention the name of another person, and they frown. Sometimes it is not because they even know the person; it is because of what they have heard about the person. It is the same with believers. Jesus told those who believed in Him there would be tough times. As a follower of Jesus, the goal is not to be liked; the goal is to shine the light of Christ into the dark places where God has divinely set you in your work, neighborhood, the grocery store. As much as our nature desires to be liked, in Christ we are loved, and just as He said, it is the One who sent Jesus here that people hate. When you take refuge in the shelter of the Lord’s wings, He will protect you, your heart, and your mind, and He will give you the strength to stand strong in the face of hate for His Name’s sake.

As difficult as it might be, can you think of someone who you know does not like you? Now, can you say a sincere prayer for their heart to be melted by the love of Christ?

There Will Be Trouble
God Time Question(s):

As difficult as it might be, can you think of someone who you know does not like you? Now, can you say a sincere prayer for their heart to be melted by the love of Christ?

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