We Were Broken

We Were Broken

God Time Devotional | December 22, 2024

"Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins." Ecclesiastes 7:20

Ecclesiastes 7:20
“Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins.”                       – Ecclesiastes 7:20

We live in a fallen world.  We all struggle with a fallen nature that will manifest itself at any possible moment of weakness, frustration, or anger.  We are all broken, flawed, and tainted apart from Jesus.  However, for followers of Christ, that doesn’t characterize who we are anymore (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  Above all else, who we are is who we are in Christ.  Praise God!  Because of His grace and the work of Jesus, we can stand before God as holy, without blemish, and free from accusation (Colossians 1:22).  As we abide in relationship with Him daily, spending time reading His Word and praying, we are being molded into the image of Christ.  Our hearts should be eternally grateful at the thought of His redeeming grace.  Thank You, Lord, for saving us from our sin, ransoming us from our guilt, and redeeming us to share in Your glory.

As you abide in Christ today, thank Him for His redeeming grace in your life.

We Were Broken
God Time Question(s):

As you abide in Christ today, thank Him for His redeeming grace in your life.

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