“and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.” – Acts 2:42-47
Think of the last, great time you had with family or a group of really good friends that you consider family. Most times there is catching up with each other’s lives, sharing a meal, supporting others through tough times, and even helping one another financially, if needed. This is community. The book of Acts describes the beginnings of the New Testament church. In chapter two, Peter gave a sermon that, in essence, was a call to salvation, and about 3,000 people were added to this community of believers. Today’s passage reminds us that God never meant for anyone to walk through life alone without the help and encouragement of others. The early church was so filled with awe and love in Christ that they were moved to sell whatever they had so they could help those around them who did not have. Connecting in relationship with others gives us the opportunity to be used in the lives of others.
Are you in a small group? How can you be used by God in the lives of others this week?