You Were Blessed to Be A Blessing

You Were Blessed to Be A Blessing

God Time Devotional | May 20, 2024

So that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles Galatians 3:14

Galatians 3:14
So that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles Galatians 3:14

This verse mentions God’s incredible promise in the Old Testament to establish, bless, and protect Abraham. God shared with Abraham that, “in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” This promise reveals to us one key aspect of the heart of God for people, and that is to bless us that we might be a blessing to others. God’s desire is not to lavish time, talent, and resources on us for the sole purpose of what it does for us but so it can also be leveraged for the spread of the gospel. As Jesus followers, we have been blessed to be a blessing to all people.

How are you leveraging the blessings of God in your life in order to bless other people and point them to Him?

You Were Blessed to Be A Blessing
God Time Question(s):

How are you leveraging the blessings of God in your life in order to bless other people and point them to Him?

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