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Join us for these nights throughout 2025 as we discuss how and what it means to be an intentional parent. There will be examples for all ages groups from infant to high school. It will be taught jointly by Pastor Tony Caniglia, who is married and is currently parenting a preschooler and Karisa Carter, who is a single mom and is parenting three teenagers. We will discuss topics such as discipline, technology, and gender. We will never be perfect parents, but we can be intentional parents that pray for our kids and learn new ways to parent them.
Hope Church- Next Gen Building
Art of Parenting Dates for 2025
Monday, March 3 (Sexual Identity)
Tuesday, May 6 (Technology)
Tuesday, August 19 (Parenting Teens)
Monday, September 8 (Building Relationships)
Tuesday, December 2 (Discipline)
Childcare is available for kids birth to 5th grade.
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